Diseño Gráfico Para Principiantes: Cómo Empezar A Diseñar

Graphic Design for Beginners: How to Start Designing

Graphic design for beginners: how to start designing graphics. In this article I am going to share a series of tips to start as a graphic designer. Don't forget to check my guide about How to learn graphic design from home.

Table of Contents

Graphic design for beginners

Graphic design is a broad term that includes many different types of media, including print, web, video, and motion graphics. This article will cover the most essential aspects of graphic design for a beginner, such as typography, composition, color theory, design principles, visual hierarchy, and more.

The basics of typography

If you want to learn graphic design as a beginner, a great initial approach is through knowledge of proper typographical skills.

A good understanding of typography is essential for any designer. It's also one of the first things people notice when looking at a job. The typography is mainly divided into 2 categories that you will see from time to time. Serif and Sans Serif.

Let's see some basic concepts of both:

Serif Typography

In typography, serifs are extra small strokes found at the end of the main vertical and horizontal strokes of certain letters. Serif fonts are generally used for long text such as books, newspapers, and most magazines. Serif fonts are the most widely used type of fonts because they are considered more readable.

Sans Serif Typography

Sans Serif font types are differentiated by the lack of serifs or serifs on their endings, as the name suggests. They are considered more modern and minimalist typefaces. Sans Serif typefaces are considered more suitable for the web and digital media. Clear examples of this typography can be seen in many technological logos, such as those of Google, Apple or Facebook.

Theory of color

In fine art, graphic design, user interface design, photography, print, and even television, color theory is constantly used. Color theory is considered by many experts to be a set of basic rules for mixing and matching light colors or pigments to achieve the desired effect.

This theory can help you in several cases, to choose color tones for a design, website, logo or perfectly combine the clothes you are going to wear.

In graphic design, color theory is a vital part that uses the color wheel, which is mainly divided into two categories: cool colors and warm colors. This is vital if you want to learn graphic design for beginners.

According to gcfglobal.org The basic aspects of color theory are:

Tonality: This is the simplest. Basically, it stands for color. Complementing this information, according to RAE A color is "The sensation produced by the light rays that impress the visual organs and that depends on the wavelength." 

Saturation: It refers to the intensity, that is, if the color is more subtle or more intense.

Glow: Indicates whether the color is dark or light, from black to white. This gives you several options, for example you can go from dark green to soft lime.

Design principles

Design principles are a set of considerations that underlie any quality product. In graphic design, these are the rules a designer must follow to create effective and engaging work. Among these important design principles are:

  • Contrast
  • Balance
  • Graphic Accent/Emphasis
  • Proportion
  • Hierarchy
  • Repetition
  • Rhythm
  • Patterns
  • White space
  • Motion
  • Variety
  • Vsual unit

Visual hierarchy

Visual hierarchy refers to the order of importance of the different parts of a design. There are three main types of hierarchy in a layout: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal. Horizontal hierarchy refers to the order in which things appear horizontally on a page. Diagonal hierarchy refers to the order in which elements appear diagonally on a page. The vertical hierarchy to the order that they appear vertically. Learning hierarchy of things is going to help you the most to learn graphic design as a beginner.

We can also generate hierarchy through several ways such as:

  • Size
  • Color
  • Texture
  • Inclination
  • Layout
  • Visual weight

Image composition

A good rule of thumb when designing any type of image is to keep the composition as clean and uncluttered as possible, while maintaining readability. This means that you should avoid using too many noise-generating items. If you use white space, be sure to use it sparingly and strategically to guide the eye and create a visual journey. This is probably the hardest thing to learn in graphic design for beginners or graphic design for novices. The correct handling of the composition.

Graphic design for beginners: The most important thing

The most important thing about learning graphic design for beginners is not to lose enthusiasm in learning and practicing. It is possible that at the beginning you struggle with the basic aspects of this beautiful discipline but little by little you will see how these concepts will become part of your design habits and will allow you to create beautiful pieces and great creative works of world class. Cheers!

If you want to learn more graphic design for beginners don't forget to read my article “Graphic Designer REVEALS How to Be More Creative”.


Reid, M. R. (2020). The 7 principles of design and how to use them. 99designs. https://es.99designs.com/blog/tips/principles-of-design/

Chapman, C. (2019, 24 septiembre). Breaking Down the Principles of Design (with Infographic). Toptal Design Blog. https://www.toptal.com/designers/gui/principles-of-design-infographic

Conceptos básicos de diseño gráfico: Teoría del color. (s. f.). GCFGlobal.org. https://edu.gcfglobal.org/es/conceptos-basicos-de-diseno-grafico/teoria-del-color/1/

Teoría del Color – Concepto, propiedades del color, RGB y CMYK. (s. f.). Concepto. https://concepto.de/teoria-del-color/

Turner, N. (2021, 19 mayo). A guide to design principles & why you should be using them. UXM. https://www.uxforthemasses.com/design-principles/

Brignell, B. B. (s. f.). Design Principles. principles.design. Recuperado 23 de diciembre de 2022, de https://principles.design/

MyFonts. (s. f.). Sans Serif Fontshttps://www.myfonts.com/pages/sans-serif-fonts

What Is a Serif in Graphic Design? (2020, 14 febrero). ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/serif-font-information-1073831

Real Academia Española. (2022). color. dle.rae.es. Recuperado 23 de diciembre de 2022, de https://dle.rae.es/color?m=form

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